Honestly this is sort of a hot take but I am starting to think the smash community is a little overly harsh on beginners who ask “how can I get better” or “do you have any advice” and I think it’s usually a fine question in the situations it actually get asked
I almost always hear this question *actually* get asked by people who, when you play them for two stocks, you realize do not know that falco lasers aren’t primarily used to deal damage
The idea that absolute beginners need to identify specific situations to ask for advice in a game they largely dont understand yet strikes me as a little much, and I think any intermediate player who wants advice will probably ask something more productive than “what do I do”
Maybe I just play much too brainless for people I beat to think I’m a good source of advice but usually I get the sense people ask this question as super beginners with a vague “I wanna be like you” sense, and the vitriol around it feels a lil unnecessary
This goes double if you main marth and dash back pivot grab a beginner who doesn’t know what overshooting is and then act like you’re above telling them that you got every opening from the same error when they ask why they can’t hit you
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