Got the a case of the Mopey Mondays? Perhaps some reading will help...

It's time for my weekly reading thread—a (partial) list of what I've read the past week that made me laugh, smile, cry, think.
"As the weeks roll on, I’m bearing witness – long distance – to the attentiveness of our neighbors and friends in Ireland to the elderly and those requiring assistance."

Hopeful, moving essay by @AuthorCarmelB for Pendemic...
"The wild dogs of my childhood have changed shape now that I’m twenty-three. They morph into men, blood-hungry as they roam the streets tossing glass bottles into the late hours."

Beautiful new essay from @CRLamothe for @The_Rumpus...
Your turn! Tell me what you've read the past week that I should read, too.

You can follow @ErinKhar.
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