Let's discuss this whole pro-life matter. I prefer the phrase "Human Whole-Life Ethic" Christian teaching holds that all humans, womb to tomb, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, age, direction of sexual desire, economic status, or education are...
...A) God's image-bearers and so glorious; B) Sinful and so in need of a Savior; C) Immortals consisting of both body and soul. More could be said, but its twitter. These qualities are true of all living humans. There is no one who is not my neighbor, no one from whom...
...I may withhold love, concern, material assistance when needed and possible, and gospel witness. This is true - perhaps especially true for the Xtian - when the person in need is my enemy. God loved us when we hated him, loving his enemies to life through Jesus' death.
There is no life unworthy of love, one which is devoid of glory and immortality, as well as sin, and no human life should be looked upon as merely a utilitarian service to others, fodder for the machinery, degraded as an object of power, violence, greed, or lust. This is true...
...only of persons but communities of persons designated by country of origin, race, or religion. Saying, 'They're all animals' or sending millions to their death in gas chambers, or a single person to death - whether through indiscriminate violence, state violence...
or personal premeditated violence - establishing 'humanness guidelines' for what constitutes a 'human' after birth (as suggested by Peter Singer), ignoring the sick or poor so that they are further weakened and/or die, are all examples of acting contrary to Xtian teaching...
...on the sanctity of life. If Christians wish to identify as 'pro-life' they must possess a robust and full Christian anthropology that includes the active love of neighbors, liberty of conscience and body for the oppressed, freedom from being sexually trafficked and abused...
...decent standards of living, safety from both state and criminal violence, equal economic opportunity and risk, & access to the Gospel of Life. A Christian anthropology cannot be reduced to the unborn any more than it may ignore them, nor may it escape dealing with the eternal.
Finally, while Pope John Paul II's 'Evangelium Vitae' is a magnificent place to start in one's consideration of these matters, I'd suggest simply reading Genesis 1-3, Psalm 8, Matthew 5-7, and Luke 10:25-37 as essential reading to get started.
In short, don't hide behind the phrase 'pro-life' as a Christian is you're not prepared to also acknowledge that Black Lives Matter, essential health care being denied or creating crippling debt is wrong as is the use of the courts to impose unjust sentences, the brutal...
treatment of prisoners, genocide, the separation of families in the name of border enforcement, and the poor treatment of the elderly, infirm, and those facing various mobility issues. Be pro-human. Bring the good news of Jesus and the love of God to all.
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