That's it

Since everyone else is hell bent on trying to do it I might as well too

I'm declaring myself defacto head of the Yang Gang. You didn't want this? Well too bad, my first decree is to get the fuck off of Twitter for a few weeks you're all adults Jesus fucking Christ
My second decree is that you must all pick up a hobby or find a videogame to play, like Lord knows some of y'all need an outlet to fucking release lmao
Also @S0NIC9103 is an advisor to me he should be respected 😌
Also @detectivexluis will provide a dog pic dividend for emotional support 😩😩
My next decree is to eliminate art history class for @jqsonleong

Sorry Ms. Riker, it's for the greater good
@PSPradio1 will be media consulting agency, they are in charge of disseminating knowledge, for the purpose of advancing the gang all scientific knowledge will be free to read rather than paywalling it behind a service.

Also in charge of the Videogame Dividend 😃👍
@JonMunitz and his Munitz Mafia will be my secret police in charge of making sure everyone who wants/needs basic human services and the dividend gets it 😎

With the power of the Munitz Mafia, we can do anything
You can follow @Velokx.
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