tw//transphobia, slurs

Shout-out to Greater Manchester Police for just now when I was called a tranny by a group of about 9 kids who were spitting on each other and laughing about it, and when I called 101, I was made to wait for 20 minutes before the other end hung up.
It doesn't help that I was briefly answered, but as soon as I mentioned the transphobia, I was told I was being moved to another line, one which never answered and hung up on me. Frankly this is embarrassingly poor. I'm quite upset.
I would report this online but the kids have probably gone home now and won't face any consequences. If there's a new Coronavirus spike in my area soon, I'll actually cry.
So, yeah, I wasn't gonna call the cops, because my views on cops are obvious, but this was too much. Now I might just not call the police because they aren't in my favour. Not saying it was transphobia, but it might have been, considering the timing.
tw//awful racism

It doesn't help that the kids were loudly making fun of George Floyd at the time as well, and I saw one kneeling on another's neck in a mocking fashion.

These kids were cartoonishly evil.
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