Sugar is bad for your Brain.

You need to stop consuming processed and refined forms of sugar immediately.

Why? Here's why:
1. Sugar overstimulates the reward center so you constantly want more of it.

2. Over-stimulation causes tolerance & the addiction can surpass cocaine-like levels. That's a tested and confirmed study.

3. Sugar causes inflammation in the brain and induces memory difficulties.
4. The ability to process emotion is compromised with elevated blood sugar.

5. Sugar leads to progressive brain damage & shrinkage leading to deficits in cognitive functions.

6. Sugar inhibits production of BDNF, a chemical essential for memory and learning.
Every neurological and physiological effect mentioned here has been independently confirmed in multiple studies on how sugar affects the brain.

If you want to avoid Alzheimer's or Dementia or generally want a healthier brain for the long term, ditch that doughnut or sugar puff.
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