Trump was just nominated, makes a visit to the convention...

And immediately starts whining that states are sending out mail ballots.

Also complains that Obama's FBI conducted a counterintelligence investigation into the help his campaign received from Russia.
Now he's lying about collecting tariffs from China.


That's not how tariffs work. He's been told this many, many times.
Now he is claiming he's doing a wonderful job because millions of people haven't died from the coronavirus.
No, they don't have "absentee" ballots in Florida.

They have mail ballots. Anyone can vote by mail. No excuse needed.

In fact, the Republican Party of Florida built a mail ballot machine, which now Trump is wrecking.
Bottom line:

Trump centered his entire campaign around material stolen for him by Russian spies, every single day, from 10 Oct to 8 Nov 2016, even though he knew it had been stolen by Russian spies.

Every. Single. Day.

Putin helped him win. Trump eagerly accepted the help.
But Trump, having escaped any consequences from Congress or prosecutors for the 2016 collusion, in 2019 began seeking foreign assistance again for his reelection, this time from Ukraine and China.
Starting within days of the release of the Mueller report in April 2019, Trump began trying to extort Ukraine’s newly elected president into announcing an investigation into the Democrat he most feared, Joe Biden.
Trump ultimately was impeached for those actions, which involved using $391 million in U.S. military aid as leverage, but was allowed to remain in office by Republican senators, with the sole exception of Utah’s Mitt Romney.
Trump also publicly called on China to investigate Biden while privately begging its dictator, Xi Jinping, to help him win reelection by buying lots of farm products from the United States, according to his own national security adviser at the time, John Bolton.
He is back to the China tariff lie.

"We took in billions from China."


American importers and American consumers pay import tariffs. This is basic economics.

He has pivoted back to lying about mail balloting.
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