Trump: "The greatest Election Fraud in our history is about to happen. This may top the Democrats illegally spying on my campaign!"

That's the sound of a man who knows he's going to lose.

Election fraud, right?

Yet, despite all the assets of the Federal Government, all the assets and resources and determination of his political allies, cronies, sycophants, and supporters, Trump has been unable to prove even ONE case of coordinated election fraud.

And certainly not any evidence, let alone proof, of fraud so coordinated and widespread as to steal an election on a national scale.

And there would be.

There would HAVE to evidence, easily found, irrefutable, obvious, copious evidence of such malfeasance. It's impossible that there wouldn't be.

Yet, Trump can show you only insinuation and conspiracy theory and not one shred of proof.

Trump sits at the top of the largest, most widespread, most well funded, most well equipped, most technologically advanced, most capable intelligence and information gathering system in history and instead of presenting evidence from that, he gives you Levin, Dobbs, Hannity.

They spied on my campaign, say Trump.

Spied on my campaign.

It's the JOB of the US Intelligence Community to monitor elected (or potentially elected) officials' foreign contact.

It is the sworn duty of the Executive to protect America.

Hell, the Intelligence Community is monitoring the Trump Administration RIGHT NOW.

Every phone in every government office, Executive, Congressional, Judicial, and Military, has a big red sticker on it that says: Subject to Monitoring.

This isn't a secret. That's their job.

The intelligence community and the Obama Administration would have been derelict in their duty if they had ignored the Trump campaign's foreign engagements.

Any campaign.

And so, yes, they did monitor Trump's campaign. As they should have.

But, despite that attention, and despite MYRIAD questionable foreign contacts, Trump was elected anyway.

Trump was elected anyway.

The surveillance DIDN'T influence Trump's election. Q.E.D.

None of that surveillance was leaked to the public.

Unlike Comey's deliberate release of (untrue as it turns out) damning information against Hillary Clinton which DID directly influence public opinion.

And this is the point where I remind you Donald Trump AS PRESIDENT has openly tasked US Intelligence and law enforcement assets to investigate HIS chief political rival, Joe Biden, and daily makes reference to Biden's son, Hunter, and HIS foreign entanglements.

IF Trump and Republicans WERE sincerely concerned about election integrity, they would have taken action to:

-Secure election systems
-Require disclosure of foreign influence by campaigns and media platforms
-Outlaw dark money
-End all forms of voter disenfranchisement

If Trump and Republicans WERE sincerely concerned with the preservation of democracy, then they wouldn't be working so hard to take your vote away or to hide the extent of their own foreign support and dark money coffers.

If Republicans were truly concerned with the preservation of The Republic, they would demand full and open accountability from EVERY campaign and enforce it with strict surveillance by the Intelligence Community with mandatory public disclosure of all foreign influence.

The foundation of our republic is democracy.

And the very cornerstone of democracy is a rational, educated, and informed citizen.

And THAT is the very thing Donald Trump fears most of all. Without fear, hate, hysteria, and conspiracy, Donald Trump can't get elected.

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