You come home early from work one day, your eyes lacking their once youthful glimmer. Something has been off for a while.

You have no purpose. You live to work and to be with your girlfriend. Thank God work is over..

You open the door..

To find another man in your bed.
The love of your life has just cheated on you. Everything in your world has shattered right in front of you.

This person you've fully relied on has betrayed you. You have nothing left.

So, what do you do now?
Right now, let's focus on what NOT to do.


Beg for her back
Forgive her
Let her lead you on
Start crying on social media

You're a man, not a wimp. This girl betrayed you, and you are not going to be the guy who gets walked all over.

You're better than that.
No matter who you are, every single person has cried over losing his woman at least once. I would be concerned if they didn't.

Therefore, give yourself time to grieve the first day. Becoming numb only prolongs the process.

Cry to yourself, not to other people.

I'll explain.
See, if you were a girl, everyone would be patting your back right now.

But you're a man. No one gives a shit about you. If you start complaining and crying, no one will be there for you. It only hurts you to do this.

During this break up, YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN.
Once you're done crying, it's time to get moving.

The fog has cleared, and you can finally see clearly. All of that noise blinding you from becoming your true self is gone.

This is where you can rewire your brain to derive happiness from YOURSELF rather than from your girl.
You need a goal.

This could be getting fit, making more money, or just completely unscrewing yourself after years of total neglect.

This is where you'll begin to learn how to channel negative emotions into a positive outcome.

Rage is energy, energy that shouldn't be wasted.
The point here isn't to distract you from your suffering, you can't distract yourself no matter how hard you try.

When you're distracting yourself, you're only temporarily putting everything you feel on hold.

You need to understand why you're suffering to move past it.
Look deep down at yourself. What was your fault during this entire relationship?

Perhaps you'd let her see you cry and throw fits every time something went wrong. Maybe you were overbearing. Seriously, be EXTREMELY critical of yourself here.

Something turned her away from you.
After you understand your fault, understand hers.

What were the red flags you KNEW you should have listened to?

Maybe she cheated on her last boyfriend with you before finally breaking up with him. Was she abusive? Is her body count in her 20's but you wanted to accept her?
This trauma is important for your brain to learn the patterns that need avoiding for next time. If you're too much of a wuss to look critically at this situation, then you will doom yourself to a perpetual cycle of suffering.

Learn how to vet women, and it won't happen again.
You need to be alone during this time. Don't rebound to another abusive girlfriend, you haven't taken the proper time to transcend your former self.

In a few months, the pain will fade until you barely feel it. As long as you've improved yourself.
Don't just work out, either. Looking good will make her regret leaving you? Maybe, maybe not.

Do this for YOURSELF.

Read books, learn a skill, BECOME A BETTER MAN.

I got fit, got my finances in order, and bought my first home

All from losing a girl that didn't make me happy

She's not the one. There's no need to get her back now.

Another girl will be just as nice, but learn to derive happiness from yourself.

Understand your suffering, and learn from it.

Become a better man, and leave that girl behind. Godspeed, brothers.
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