Trauma harms the brain in not only psychological ways, but it can very much harm it in physical ways. It can cause your brain to undergo actual biological, chemical and anatomical changes.
That’s why healing requires brain development. It requires creating new neuropathways so we can stop engaging our brain in the same ways the trauma taught us to engage it.
We develop our higher brain by engaging it, our brain is adaptable and teachable, it learns and changes and can be remapped, but it requires hard work, thinking new things, proving to ourselves that we are safe doing things we internalized as unsafe but weren’t.
There is so much trauma attached to toxic Christianity, I’d love to see brain scans of adults raised in toxic Christian households, I bet we’d be alarmed. But what’s most alarming is that toxic Christianity demands people don’t think but simply swallow what they are told.
That actively halts our ability to heal, evolve, know better and do better.

Creating a system where people outsource their relationship with the divine to a pastor who tells them what to think, what to believe,
what is acceptable and what is not, not only keeps people immature, it also keeps people in trauma cycles, unable to heal and process information in healthy ways. If questioning, investigate, being exposed to new ideas, conflicting ideas,
complex psychological and sociological issues, is always discouraged, or shut down because “God is mysterious and we don’t have to understand everything”, you are being asked to maintain an underdeveloped, traumatized brain.
Christians immersed in toxic spaces are easy to influence, if you are the right person (their pastor or parent or any authority that uses the Bible in the ways they feel safe hearing it), you can get them to believe and do almost anything.
They have been so conditioned to not question, to not push, to not engage the higher brain when such a person makes a claim, that they can be swayed as you trigger trauma responses in them.
When a pastor says “true Christians vote republican” that’s exactly what they are doing, triggering the trauma of not belonging that toxic Christianity is so good at subjecting people to, and then persuading people to vote one way.
And in doing so you keep people with underdeveloped brains that don’t have to think who to vote for, or read what any of their representatives stand for, because they just want to be true Christians and keep belonging, so republican down the ballot it is.
Toxic Christianity can’t invite you to evolve because then you can’t be manipulated and coerced as you heal your own brain. Evolve, engage your higher brain, ask questions, disagree, learn all the things, grow past a faith that demands you outsource your relationship to divinity
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