Left wing extremist groups along with a cooperative Democratic Party and a complacent and lying media are literally burning down our Country. This is all being done under the guise of a “Racial Justice” movemen. But Trump is the one who divides. From the moment Trump announced..
.. he was running for President, the attacks started. We were told he was a racist, sexist, playboy pig, and we were guaranteed evidence to support these claims. No evidence has yet surfaced. But Trump is the one who divides. “Trump colluded with Russia” was all we heard for...
... the better part of three years. A massive investigation took place. During which time the #FakeNews screamed to high heaven about the mountains of evidence to support this claim. High ranking Democrats like Shumer, Pelosi and Schiff talked about all the things they knew...
... for a fact Trump did wrong. We were again promised that the Mueller Report would show this Trump/Russia collusion. Again they were wrong. Again we were lied to. And yet again Trump is the one who divides. Next we were told of a horrific three minute phone call that was....
... absolutely, without a doubt Impeachment worthy. Lying Adam Schiff went on the House floor and READ A FABRICATED TRANSCRIPT out loud to his colleagues and to us the American People. What followed was the most corrupt and unjust spectacle I have ever seen. A rushed trial to...
... try one last ditch effort to get Trump out before he could do more “damage” to our Country. What damage had he already inflicted you ask? Record numbers of jobs. The erasing of decades of failed foreign policy. Record low unemployment. Record highs on the stock market...
... almost daily. Tearing up disastrous trade agreements that had completely gutted our industries. But Trump is the one who divides. Then along came #COVID19 and this too was somehow Trumps fault. First he shut down the borders too early screamed Joe Biden. Then he waited too...
... long to act, screamed every other Democrat on Earth. In 4 weeks our Country was brought to a stand still. We were fed, what we now know for a fact, were blatant lies about this virus. We were herded like cattle into our homes, told to stay there or else we might die from...
... this horrible and terrifying virus. “Wear a mask” and “Social Distancing” and “The new normal” became the daily buzz words we all had to accept. “Trumps failure to act” was what caused 150K innocent Americans to die needlessly is what we were told. Forget the fact that the...
... initial death estimates were into the MILLIONS. Ignore the data that shows a vast majority of these deaths were from sick CoVid patients being placed BACK into nursing homes for reasons still unknown. Forget all the stuff accounts like mine have shown you about CoVid and...
... the many lies surrounding it. False positives. Fake positives, All deaths being lumped into CoVid regardless of if there was a connection. ALL of this is Trump’s fault. Because Trump is the one who divides. By now most of this Country gets it. By now a lot of people on both..
... sides of the aisle are at least starting to question things. Why do they hate this man so much? What has he done to our Country in three years that’s been so bad that it warranted this type of nonsense? I’ll tell you what he did. He upset the establishment. He dared to step..
... into this job. He dared to make outlandish claims about bringing back jobs, and putting America first. Then do you know what that bastard did?? He actually FOLLOWED THROUGH on his promises. Turns out “Make America Great Again” and “Promises Made, Promises Kept” were more...
... than just catchy slogans. He ran on these things and then he actually DELIVERED them. Imagine that? A politician who kept his campaign promises. Outrageous right? I just got back from an offsite meeting. And on my way there and back again I noticed something strange. What...
... I saw in my hours total worth of drive time were no less than FIFTY Trump signs. What I saw was no less than ONE HUNDRED American Flags flying high. And yet Trump is the one who divides? I’m proud to say that people really are waking up. And while the #QANON movement is...
... a big part of this. The other part is normal people who don’t follow Q, just waking up and saying enough is enough. Normal people who still know right from wrong. Normal people who are shaking their heads daily at the next batch of media fed lies. And it’s a beautiful...
... thing to witness. I live in a State where you vote Democrat cause that’s what your daddy told you to do. I live in a State that’s predominantly working class, blue collar people. A State that votes blue because the Dems are for the poor and the Republicans are for the...
... rich. That’s just how it’s ALWAYS been. But to see those Trump signs and those flags flying high tells me one thing. The times are indeed changing. The veil has been lifted. Change is finally here and it’s coming like a locomotive. A few years ago I wrote to any Democrats...
... who might’ve been following me and I warned them of just this moment. I warned them of the coming exposure. I warned them to RUN not #WalkAwayFromDemocrats I truly hope they listened. Because at this point, after all of the Anti Trump lies and media spin, after all the...
... failed attempts to take this man down, if you’re still a Democrat. Then I’m afraid you truly are lost forever. Trump divides? More like Trump UNITES!! He has done this by bringing down the corrupt establishment. He has done this by honoring his pledge to us and by honoring..
... his pledge as President. He has done this by working tirelessly and nonstop for people like you and I. And for that I say Thank You. It’s pretty sad when an American has to thank his Government officials for doing their job isn’t it? But in Trump’s case I’ll let it slide....
... I’ve been saying it for three years and I’ll repeat it again now. Trump will go down as the GREATEST President this Country has ever seen. I have no doubt about that. And yes, Rushmore awaits. We are making history folks. #WWG1WGA #SHEEPNOMORE #TAKEBACKCONTROL #FACTSMATTER
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