Socialism in Theory But Not in Practice

As New Yorkers are standing in 1/4 mile lines for groceries there is little effort by the wealthy celebrities or liberal politicians to offer relief. For them socialism isn't about sharing their money, it's about taking YOURS.
2) We have a living breathing testimony to democrat policies at work in NYC. As it's businesses remained closed, their debt grows out of control and the Mayor wastes tax payer dollars painting Black Lives Matter on roadways it's people are starving and losing everything.
3) Not ONE wealthy Trump hating celebrity has stepped up to give their money to help New Yorker's. Not ONE socialist politician has made any effort to provide relief to the people of NYC suffering. Instead they offer platitudes & anti-Trump rhetoric but that doesn't feed families
4) If anyone wants to know where the liberal vision of America will lead us, one only has to look to cities like NYC, Seattle, Minneapolis, Chicago and Portland. They are living proof of the democrats brand of leadership at work. Broke, lawless in chaos & a public held hostage.
5) Democrats can try to tell us what we see with our own eyes isn't there, but we see it. The media can try to tell us we are mistaken, the protests are "peaceful" but we know better. Actions speak louder than any words & the ACTIONS of the left prove who and what they really are
6) We ALL would like to see a kinder, gentler, fairer world where people don't go hungry, where corruption and lies have no home. A world where there is no poverty. The democrats try to sell that vision every day, but that's not even close to what they practice.
7) Cities in this nation have crumbled under NAFTA, drugs pour over the border killing our children, criminals are celebrated, laws are ignored, taxes go up and up and up to feed their never ending gov't machines, they get richer and we get poorer. This is the democrat cycle.
8) I hope that our black communities wake up and SEE that they are being lied to and replaced as voters with illegal immigrants who are easier to control. I hope that those who are Christians walk away and stop supporting the anti-Christian values of the left.
9) I hope that the people in these war torn democrat cities that are suffering wake up and realize that the socialist loving left has NOT come their rescue despite what they say. Socialism has never succeeded NOT ONCE in world history, it won't succeed here either. WAKE UP.
10) This is a time in this nation where ALL American's need to remember what and who we are. Our rich history that ended slavery, allowed poor people to become rich, broke every world standard and gave freedom to all who came here. We aren't like any other country in the world.
11) People wait in line to come here & enjoy the freedoms that we take for granted. More than 600,000 brave hero's fought and died to insure that freedom their blood burnt into the ground on former battlefields all over this nation.
12) To this day we have the ONLY government in the entire world that still holds the capacity to be run by the people. Nobody else has that, NOBODY. Slowly it's been taken from us by bad people with bad intentions for their own personal gain.
13) You may not like Trump's tweets or his choices of words but you don't send a wimp into a battle to fight against monsters. You send the toughest, meanest, person you can find to do the job. That's who and what Trump is.
14) You can tell he's doing that job based on the corrupted establishment that endlessly attacks him in media, through celebrities and even in some cases using our children without our knowledge.
15) When you see an all out global effort focused against ONE MAN by those who want to retain power and control over us it means something. It means they feel threatened, it means that they fear exposure, it means they know we are taking back what is rightfully ours.
16) Love him or hate him it's not about Trump this election. It's about whether or not we are able to keep what is rightfully ours, bought with the blood of our heroes. Our Freedom. You decide what's more important Nov 3rd, what people say or your freedom. I choose freedom.
17) If you choose freedom there is only ONE choice this November and that's the fighter guarding the door against socialism, pushing back the corrupted establishment and restoring this gov't to the hands of the people. That choice is @realDonaldTrump

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