Police started as “slave patrols” & later morphed into “Law Enforcement” whose job is to keep black community controlled. The police have been hunting black people for centuries but y’all freak out when a generationally hunted & traumatized community use language of “defunding”.
“Defunding” and “abolishing” the police does not mean we, as a society, should not have any kind of law enforcement. It means that the entire foundations & structure of law enforcement is toxic and needs to be torn down & rebuilt from ground up alongside reappropriating funds.
The black community currently lives in, and has always lived in, a police state. The militarization and immunity of the police has allowed them to serve as domestic terrorists within the black community. That was their original purpose, and is their perpetual posture.
When black folks say, “defund the police”, we are saying, “STOP WEAPONIZING THOSE WHO TERRORIZE OUR COMMUNITY?”

When black folks say, “Abolish the police”, we are saying, “THE ENTIRE SYSTEM, POWER DYNAMICS, & MISSION OF POLICE IS ANTI-BLACK. TEAR IT ALL DOWN & REBUILD!!”
Why would the black community not want to see more state funds put into their schools than into the militarization of the police who terrorize them? We rather have nicer text books in our classrooms than have an officer equipped with the latest tech in Taser technology!
White people who get bent out of shape when black community talks about “defunding” police are both ignorant & arrogant. They’re ignorant b/c if they had any conception of America’s racial history they’d be quiet. Arrogant cuz they believe they know it better than us. #JacobBlake
Basic American racial history informs you that there is a clear line between Slave Patrols, racial terrorism (like Tulsa Massacre), to police overseeing lynchings, to sundown law enforcement, to the modern beatings & killings of unarmed black men by law enforcement.
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