Men who ask "harmless questions", I would really urge you to look at the language and discourse you borrow from when you ask these questions. It's usually directly lifted from right wing or anti feminist rhetoric. You may not know that, fine but at least be humble enough to 1/n
listen when people tell you your "harmless question" actually comes from a history of harassing and silencing marginalised voices.
Now you'll say, why do I have to bear the burden of a history I did not participate in. Well, we are all paying for a history we didn't actively 2/n
make: women are living with a history of patriarchy, racial minorities are living with a history of white supremacy and religious minorities are paying for a history in this country where religion has been weaponised for political gain. So let's not play that card. 3/n
So if you're wondering why there are a bunch of crazy women are in your mentions telling you to read a book, it's because your question feeds into that history of silencing or denial of oppression. ESPECIALLY if you're a privileged Pakistani man with access to the internet. 4/n
Not here to play oppression olympics but it's ignorant & facetious at best to then turn around & play the role of the "reasonable guy" who's just asking questions because even that act is predicated on the binary with the angry, crazy woman
I know it's a minefield and I know 5/n
it's hard but maybe reflect on why people will read ill-intent into your harmless questions? Have I been tone-deaf in the past? Have I failed to apologise for homophobia in my videos? Maybe I need to reflect too. Maybe? 6/n
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