White people: there is a video of police shooting a 29-year-old Black man in the back. His name is #JacobBlake. Please do not share the video on social media. Please refrain from retweeting it. When we do so, we cause further harm and trauma for Black people.

There didn't need to be a video of #AhmaudArbery for us to recognize that racism and police violence against Black people is a national emergency, and our role in fighting it. There didn't need to be a video of #GeorgeFloyd. There still does not need to be a video. #JacobBlake
Instead of sharing the videos, we should be asking ourselves what it says about us that it takes a video for us to finally acknowledge the urgency and gravity of racism in this country and all around us. When Black people have been ringing the alarm all this time.
White people: if the only time we are actively thinking about being anti-racist and stopping the violence against Black people (in ALL its forms) is when a new video appears, we are the problem.
Racism and the violence it causes doesn't just appear when a new video trends. It is 24/7. And it is everywhere. It is in our hospitals, our schools, our workplaces. It's everywhere.
Racism — and the racist systems this country is grounded in — takes no days off. And neither can antiracism. We don't get to just decide to be antiracist any time a new video appears. White people, we need to be antiracist every single moment of every single day.
It's been 3 months since #GeorgeFloyd was murdered. In those 3 months, what have you done to make antiracism permanent and unrelenting in your life? Did you read the books you ordered? Are you still having conversations? We need consistent check-ins with ourselves and each other.
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