Transmission 4 includes us talking about Chapter Approved, the little known first supplement for #warhammer40k 1E that ended up supplanted by the Compendium/Compilation.

Here's a thread of pics from George's copy of said book + notes to supplement said podcast. #warmongers 🧵 1/
From The Wolf Time campaign, the list of Space Wolf troops that the Marine player(s) must divide out amongst 3 different battles #warmongers 🧵 2/
The first reference to the Horus Heresy! (Our terrible audio special effects in our podcast really adds to our recital though.) #warmongers 🧵 3/
The cover has an Ork-headed Buddha statue and its mentioned as terrain for one scenario. George did get a foot tall Buddha to convert into this but worries that might be White Peopling a little? Buddha would probably be chill with it himself, though... #warmongers 🧵 4/
Squats and Eldar colour pages! (Also evidence of how much the binding is wearing down on George's copy ) note the Squats as Imperial arny and the Eldar with piratical bands and helmet stripes. #warmongers 🧵 5/
It took George ages but he finally got the Inquisitor Augustus figure at a convention last year for a very reasonable price, hr wanted him ever since he first saw his Spacewar Combat Card. Here he is with more "space scum" style figures. #warmongers 🧵 6/
This photo is peak Rogue Trader with the trifecta of "Space Pirates", "Zoats" and "Bob Olley".

(Anyone got a spare Loritta to trade)

#warmongers 🧵 7/
The Grav Attack from White Dwarf makes an appearance here, interestingly the idea is already set that Hover vehicles is more an Eldar idea and this suggests Imperials are using stolen Eldar models ala Germans nicking Brit tanks in WW1. #warmongers 🧵 8/

Perhaps the biggest change in the army list for later players, Squats as mandatory accompaniment to your Imperial army. #warmongers 🧵 9/
Yarr! And there be Squat bosuns in yer space pirates too! #warmongers 🧵 10/
One oddity of the Chapter Approved list - Imperial Army do /not/ have Commissars, but Orks /do/. 🤔 #warmongers 🧵 11/
The Eldar raider squads, with reptilian names and reptilian Zoat allies. (Which just reminds us that George has a 3rd party Zoat-a-like still to paint.) #warmongers 🧵 12/
"We will make very few vehicles for cost reasons" still the order of the day here, a surreal statement by 2020 standarda... #warmongers 🧵 13/
Extra relevant this week with the rivet-counting moaning by certain quarters, a reminder these people have always existed and even in 87/88 they were told to get over themselves. Words to reconsider for some 30K types, eh? #warmongers 🧵 14/
Oh and there's totally a Jump Trooper figure in the book.... but in power armour so it still feels less Imperial Army than I'd like.

That should give you all an idea of some of the craziness in the book! #warmongers 🧵 15/15
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