33 Lessons From 33 Years [TWEETSTORM]

1. Men Are Searching For Direction Young men feel lost and rudderless in modern life. They’re stuck pursuing a safe life they are supposed to live rather than the life they truly want.
2. The man who constantly fears society’s judgment is forever a slave. The man who is comfortable expressing his own crazy self is a free man.
3. Your close circle of friends has an enormous impact on you.

If your friends are a bunch of drunks, they’re gonna hit you up every weekend to go to the bar. If they’re fitness junkies, they’re gonna hit you up to go to the gym.
4. One of the most common struggles for men today is the lack of meaningful connections.

Your old friends are off living their own lives in different cities. Your work friends only talk about politically correct topics: the weather, sports and shows. You deserve better
5. How often are you pulled away from your mission because

• You spend too much time watching porn
• You spend too much time playing games
• You spend too much time watching one more episode

Break free from this life of mindless consumption
6. Instead of thinking someone is better than you...

Think that they are at a different stage in their life than you.

You don’t know their problems
You don’t know their insecurities
You don’t know what they went through
7. Your parents lied to you. Your teachers lied to you. The world is full of people who want to protect your feelings

To say “Don’t judge a book by its cover” is terrible advice

Especially in sales, when it is literally the first thing that people see. People judge by the cover
8. It’s the media’s job to turn a profit, not share the truth.

Don’t get it twisted
9. The best lesson I learned in 12 years of school was to question everything.

Most of what is taught is irrelevant or wrong. You have to educate yourself if you want to rise above being average.
10. You don’t want to be the person who spend their 30s undoing all the bad habits from your 20s

• Don’t sleep til noon
• Don’t drink to go to sleep
• Don’t game all weekend
• Learn to cook healthy meals
• Find an active hobby
• Learn new skills
11. Do any of these things for 30 days and I promise your life will improve.

• Journal at night
• Meditation
• Wake up earlier
• Daily pushups
• Quit boozing
• Quit gaming
• Practice gratitude
12. Your son isn’t going to listen to you half as much as he’s going to watch what you do

Be mindful as you shape habits that will last for generations
13. Most guys are so desperate for any girl to like them that they’ll stay in a toxic relationship because they can’t fathom how any girl would ever want to be with them.

This mindset is noticeable to other women
14. Stop watching porn

It is a waste of time and its fucking up your mind. It gives you a false sense of accomplishment. Make yourself a better man and go out in the real world to find a real woman.
15. The greatest power that 99% of men lack is the ability to walk away from a girl.
16. The big lie: Women love men unconditionally. What would happen if you:

• Lost your job?
• Gained 40 pounds?
• Got ED?
• No longer provided that "spark?"

The big lie is that unconditional love often comes with many conditions Rules and restrictions may apply.
17. There’s women out there who will love you for being so motivated and not a deadbeat. Then they’ll be mad you aren’t spending enough time with them.

If you leave your mission for her, she’ll leave you for not being motivated. C'est la vie
18. Marriage doesn't have to make you weaker. But it will try very hard to soften you up.

Your kids will want fast food
Your wife will want ice cream
Your family will want to watch TV all day

You are a man
You need discipline
You need resolve
You must set the tone!
19. Too many young men waste their youth on:

Video games
Starbucks Milkshakes
20. The law of diminishing returns:

Alcohol - the first drink is good, the rest is downhill
Video games - a short break is fun, hours a day is a wasted life
Food - First bite is savory, eventually it's compulsive and addictive

Control your impulses or become a slave to dopamine
21. Most guys think its manly to pound beers all weekend, but then they can’t run more than a couple miles or hammer out 25 pushups.

The promotion of binge drinking as manly is a marketing ploy to trick young men into forking over their hard-earned cash to a giant corporation.
22. If you drink an average of one beer a day, that adds up to 73,000 calories a year.

That’s 20 pounds in beer alone every year. And how many of you drink more than 14 beers on weekends alone? This is why you can’t lose weight.
23. 6 months can change your life... if you don’t give up.

Truth in fitness
Truth in diet
Truth in writing
Truth in meditation
Truth in side income

Most quit too soon
24. Never say you suck at something. Say you have room to improve.

If you are persistent, you will. The key to success is persistence. Weaker people will give up as you pass them by. Then one day, they'll call you lucky. This is how they protect their ego.
25. A man who stops learning, gaining strength, and growing spiritually is a man who is already dead.
26. Get yourself a morning routine. Don't have one? At the very least start with one of these habits:

Read 10 pages
Go for a walk
Do 25 pushups
Write 500 words
Practice gratitude
Hit the gym
Watch the sunrise
Smile (Try it)

Reclaim your manhood
27. If you feel weak, then lift weights
If you feel dumb, then read non-fiction books
If you feel socially awkward, talk to more people

The solutions to your problems aren’t as complicated as you make them out to be
28. You are frustrated with life because biologically we are meant to be active

Society is sedentary and soft
Sit in cars
Eat soy food
Sit in front of computer for 8 hours
Sit in car again
Sit on couch and watch shitty TV or play games
Get off your ass & watch your mood improve
29. If you’re unsatisfied with your life, start planning a day in advance.

Set a plan for tomorrow and stick with it. Few are this disciplined
30. Life is governed by economics

Few people read today? Then there’s value in reading.
Few people are healthy? There’s value in keeping fit.
Most people play video games? Little value in gaming.

Much of life is doing the opposite of what the masses are doing
32. Most people spend their entire lives waiting for permission to do what they really want to do.

This is how people get stuck living lives they're miserable in.
33. Don’t be afraid of rejection, whether it’s from women or the sales of your product or book. Be afraid of spending your whole life wondering what might have been if you had been confident enough to put yourself out there.

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