A 40 year old single lady is a manager in a bank.
She's a very committed Christian, a dedicated member of a Church.
She travels out of the country often on her vacation & on official business every year.
A while ago, she travelled out on one of such trips & returned...
A few months later, she seemed to be expanding around the middle.
Rumor started flying around that she was pregnant.
Her pastor noticed too, but didn't want to rock the boat.
When it became very obvious she was indeed pregnant, he asked to see her privately.
She came around...
Pastor asked how she was doing, tried to be diplomatic in his approach.
Then he finally asked her.
She admitted matter-of-factly: "Yes, I'm pregnant!"
Pastor was taken aback by her in-your-face admittance!
"You're pregnant, sister! How? Why? Who is the father?"
"To be honest, pastor, I have no idea!"
Pastor was more confused!
"Let me understand you, sister: you ARE pregnant, but you don't know who is responsible? How come? We're you raped or the Holy Spirit came upon you like He did Mary? I'm sorry, but it's not adding up for me..."
She told him what happened:
She was on vacation to the US.
She visited a sperm bank and asked to be inseminated.
She got pregnant.
"So, that's what happened, Pastor".
Pastor sat for a while, thinking.
He said, "But, sister, I don't think that's right..."
Sister laughed.
"Pastor, I AM A VIRGIN @40.
I've never had sex before in my life.
I am not getting any younger, the probability/possibility of getting a husband is getting slimmer by the day.
Men these days go for younger, prettier & slimmer girls.
I won't fool myself, sir...
I don't think artificial insemination is a sin, sir.
If you think it's wrong & I've committed a sin, I'd like to know what exactly the sin is here."

Pastor is confused.
His mind is going through the scriptures from Genesis to Revelations, thinking of a response...
I'm as confused as pastor, folks!
Do you think she sinned?
If yes, what sin exactly?
Please back your submissions with SCRIPTURE!
Maybe I'll give a prize for the best response.

Ok- let's go there...
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