Time to start Berseria
Really enjoyed the cast and the world. The combat was horribly annoying at the begging (Did they really need to make fucking Zagi aka "Permastun psycho" as my first boss?). It did get better around Act 2.
The music was not as epic as Xenoblade but still pretty neat.
Act 2 >= Act 3 > Act 1
Act 1 did a good job at introducing the cast but fuck whoever was that villain
Act 2 had the overall best story and pacing.
Act 3 was kinda cliche but the ending was still bittersweet nonetheless. The sidequests make up for the ruined pacing.
Oh yeah I plan on checking the movie either today or tomorrow.
Duke is kinda hot
In case this thread is confusing I was talking about Vesperia. Lol
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