A viral video shot on Saturday shows Urumqi high-rise residents screaming through their windows in frustration and despair. The Xinjiang region has been under strict lockdown for over a month -- the harshest anti-virus measures in China -- despite over a week of no new cases.
Today, Urumqi authorities said they would ease lockdown in districts with no virus cases: http://www.xj.xinhuanet.com/2020-08/24/c_1126407194.htm Over the weekend, Chinese social media exploded with complaints from struggling residents denied deliveries, whose doors were sealed off https://twitter.com/There4I/status/1297076610982608896
Many complaints were censored from social media. Here's a compilation of some of them, including one from a user who was not allowed to visit their dying father due to overzealous quarantine measures 😱 https://m.weibo.cn/status/4541203376513998?sourceType=weixin&wm=9006_2001&featurecode=newtitle&from=timeline&isappinstalled=0#&gid=1&pid=2
This creepy video shows local residents being made to drink Chinese medicine under the watchful eye of authorities. Social media users have posted that they are made to take dubious herbal remedies (such as Lianhua Qingwen capsules) daily, despite being virus-free.
Some people claimed on social media that residents were handcuffed to fences as a punishment for leaving their residential compounds during lockdown. AFP did a short story earlier here: https://news.yahoo.com/xinjiang-residents-protest-online-against-080404483.html?soc_src=hl-viewer&soc_trk=tw
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