A finale reason the “Save BYU” movement is problematic.
While they’re complaining about “cultural Marxism” and “revenge feminism”, Black BYU students are trying to figure out how to manage schoolwork and support the Black Lives Matter movement for their own civil rights
So while Darrel is getting hissy over a professor rightfully pointing out the heteronormative framework of the Family Proclamation, BIPOC are going to be dealing with minority stress, a pandemic, a civil rights movement, and worrying about racism on campus.
TW: depression/ suicidal ideation

And do not even get me started with the LGBTQ students who many of them may be fighting to even survive their depression and thoughts of suicide while Darrell seeks to defend the Family Proclamation that denies their existence.
Because while Darrell or Linda feels it’s an affront to be told there is problematic things in the Family Proclamation, I’m trying to hold tight to my testimony of Jesus loving me as I’m told who I am is wrong, and of the Devil, and I’m a sinner just for having them.
I sympathize with the discomfort those students in the “Save the BYU” movement.

But I will take your discomfort any day over the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being of marginalized Saints and students anyway because your selfishness is killing us. Daily.
Because if you’re expanding your energy to go after teachers at your university for teaching things that made you “uncomfortable” but not to lift up your marginalized brothers and sisters, you’re being selfish.
If you’re posting “save our children!” on your social media feeds and clutching pearls at the “apostasy” at BYU, but willfully ignore cops shooting unarmed civilians in front of their children or the high number of cops are domestic abusers, you’re selfish.
And if your activism for “save our children” is focused on protecting white kids in suburbs and not the millions of marginalized youth at much higher risk, it’s selfish.
Willful ignorance and refusing to listen or see the pain of your marginalized brothers and sisters and only focusing on your comfortability is selfishness and I have no time for it.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ I have a firm testimony in is intersectional because Christ NEVER put himself first. His entire mission was to provide a way to save ALL of God’s children. And He especially ministered to those in the margins, the cast offs of every society.
He answered the prayers of victims of rape and used sex workers to achieve miracles in the Old Testament. He healed and ministered to women and children in the New Testament.

He answered the prayers of refuge mothers and antitheists in the Book of Mormon.
And is the same Savior who answered the prayers of a 14 year old farm boy in upstate New York also answered the prayers of a free young black girl with a child from a violent white man and the first black man who would revive the priesthood in this dispensation.
And is the same Savior who year after year, month after month, day after day, answers the desperate prayers of women, BIPOC, LGBTQ, the elderly, the disabled, the immigrant and refugees who face oppression and discrimination in their daily lives.
And through His Atonement, He is able to provide a way for all of God’s children to return to our Heavenly Parents and revive the highest degree of happiness that is perfect for US individually.
So because Christ’s ministering and Atonement is intersectional and seeks to free man from the chains and bindings of the Adversary, so to should our discipleship and how we navigate society and our views of social justice.
So sorry but I have absolutely no time anymore for discipleship and “social justice” that isn’t intersectional. That prioritizes comfortability and allegiance to institution over ministering to the marginalized.

That centers the self and comfort over listening.
Because by centering the self owns a institution, anything that shakes that or is different than what the institution teaches will be seen as an attack.

Because Christ isn’t truly at your center and your foundation is on shaky ground, not rock.
And I right now do not have the emotional bandwidth to minister or deal with that kind of discipleship because those flailing reactions to shifting sands and seeking to self-soothe leads to scars and wounds to me and other marginalized people around them.
Because members of Christ’s Church choosing comfortability and allegiance to institution over humanity has led to or allowed the deaths, torture, assault and trauma of generations of marginalized people within Mormonism alone.

Not to mention within the rest of the US + world.
Comfortability and allegiance to institution allowed the century’s long priesthood, marriage, and interracial marriage bans against Black people.
Comfortability and institutional allegiance led to the allowing of slavery within Utah territory.

To the Indian Placement Program.

To Prop 8, the POX policy, and currently support of the handbook changes towards transgender and non-binary saints.
And allegiance and comfort to the institution also led to the silence of far too many saints or even antagonism towards the 1960’s Civil Rights Movement.
And too much blood stains the streets, bedrooms, basements, yards, forest roots, dorms, and spaces in this country because of this type of social justice and discipleship.
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