The most important part of the video Kendall St Charles made addressing Divest Twitter was that she spoke of the active curse in the Black Community. BM have a debt to pay for being treacherous... but Black Women keep interfering and offering their daughters as the sacrifice.
She said every thing Divest Twitter has complained of happened on BLACK Women's watch. If BW wanted to shut down the dysfunction in the black community, we would have.

The world just watched you shut down society to protest for BM. No one believes that we're powerless anymore...
We did all of that for a man who was a pornstar, criminal, drug addict, with a white finance and black sidechick... who was doing home invasions and pistol whipping pregnant women.

We are the reason muruals painted grown men with angel wings and put Black GIRLS on the frontline.
We are the ones at the front of magazines, screaming with our mouths open and fists up. Somewhere right now in the world is a black female dummy asking to defund this and dismantle that. We think crumbs of political clout will sustain us. She explained just how FOOLISH BW are.
She said - if Black Women think the system of Y-sOuP-rEmY-C was going to let us waltz in and dismantle everything they built over thousands for years without repercussions, you're dumb.
It will be YOUR communities left with the fallout. It will be YOUR schools and homes affected.
She confirmed everything I've said about how Black Men have been pimping BW out. And as for us being "unprotected", they've been in on it.

The transatlantic slave trade would NEVER have happened without the slave trades that came before (i.e East African)
She said Black Women need protection from Black Men.. but guess who's protecting them? Black WOMEN are.

BW have violated every principal, protocol and sanctioned EVERY thing that is happening.

She said Black WOMEN are the ones we need to DIVEST FROM. It's the final frontier.
Everything happening right now was predicted 10-12 yrs ago during the BWE movement. She tried to tell BW that putting RACE before our womanhood was going to bite us in the ass but people came for her head.

The people who tried to destroy her for saying this were Black WOMEN.
She said they DOXXed her, found her ex-boyfriends, wrote emails to her neighbours saying she was prostituting Black Women, found her high school etc.

Some of the Black Women who got caught up in this needed to get the FBI to protect them... from Black WOMEN.
She told Divest Twitter to CATCH UP. And do it QUICKLY. NONE of this is new. It's been happening in cycles.. and for CENTURIES.

Black Women were saying these things back then.. but now WE have SO more to lose than they did because of digital footprints and more visibility etc.
What Divest Twitter is wrong is we're starting in the middle of the Book. We need to pan out and root ourselves in something more ancient - not levelling up, hypergamy, cultural appropriation etc

Many BW dont understand that we're dealing with a curse that our BW ancestors laid.
The reason the curse is not being lifted is cause BW wont get out of the f*cking way and let it play out. We keep removing the target from the target.

We wont let him face his karma and we become the sacrifice instead.

She spoke about what happened centuries back, the moors etc
She explained that not all black dysfunction is white folk's fault. It's quite the opposite.
A lot of this was going on before and the White Man just came in and capitalizd off of It because he's an evil genius. But what some BW dont know is that their man was the evil genius-er.
She have jaw-dropping context for some of the things I've tweeted about. The overthrowing of temples, failed Kings, corruption and greed.

Once you examine the beginning of the book, it is UNdeniable.
She said our desire to escape responsibility makes us infantilize ourselves.
By claiming to not have been knowledgeable about the evil side of human nature and agreeing that White Men bamboozled us with their evil technology, we buy into the notion of being unsophisticated/ dumb.
She said it's too late. BW will be part of the permanent underclass by 2030. Those who didn't get their sh*t together will suffer most.

The dodo birds who attacked her a decade ago, with huge egos, an unwillingness to listen and heed wisdom will have themselves to reckon with.
As for BW who are finally realising how unprotected we are (after BW have died, been shot, thrown in dumpsters, smacked with skateboards), it took long.

Anyone with basic grasp of cause-and-effect + introspection would have known this already by observing their family & mutuals.
The sad thing is: BW who were minding our business (ie Divest Twitter) will be affected by the behavior of reprobate-minded BW.

Everyone now thinks of BW as the designated survivor, hand-maidens who hold the community down, while BM leave in droves.
So Divest Twitter really just needs to get those Twitter fingers to rest, strategize (if we haven't already) how we'll mitigate the effects of the fallout so we're not majorly harmed.

Basically: get out of the way and let nature take its cause.
We're the only group of women who don't get wisdom passed to us generationally from older BW.

Only a tiny minority of BW will coursecorrect. The rest will continue repeating generational dysfunction. If you're still trying to get other BW to see the light, you're not 'divested'.
Go private, underground, disappear.. whatever you want to do.
Just make sure you're not muling for Black Women any longer, because sooner or later, you'll realize that they were always your no1 enemy.
It was a 5 hour video and I'm sorry to anyone who missed it. But if you do the work and plug into KSC, you'll get there.

Some round-up extras:
Anyone who doesn’t believe BW are the true opps should look at the HIV rates in the black community, the fact that 60% of black girls are sexually assaulted before 18, how BW still root for R Kelly and protect Paedophiles in their family, 77% of BW give birth Out of Wedlock etc
She spoke about how many Black Women have stolen their daughters’ identities and racked up a ton of debt in the daughter’s name. How they teach nothing to black girls except close your legs and study, then throw us into the wild to survive on our own.. while coddling their sons.
She spoke about how Black Women adultify black girls by themselves, pick them apart from their hair to their bodies, calling them “fast”.

How for 40 years, BW danced to songs that called us all types of B*tches and H0es. Songs that called us everything besides a child of God.
Soooooo much dysfunction that I cannot even list.

She’s also previously explained that every outsider can call our bluff and see that we don’t like ourselves (she spoke about weaves too).

So yeah, no more muling for Black Women. Congrats to everyone who caught on though xx
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