i understand people being upset over j!nnies part being cut off in the edm version because it’s incredibly disrespectful to him, but don’t bring j/k into this or drag him cause it isn’t his fault at all, dont disrespect him like that.
putting the blame on him is so pointless, and it could be hurtful to him if he ever got to see your words. learn to stand up for a member without bringing another member in.
some of y’all acting as if he’s responsible for this and dragging the hell out of him and that’s wrong. he isn’t responsible, quit it.
‼️ https://twitter.com/giggiykoo/status/1297846160535814145
so i’d like to clarify that i never said seokjinnies were doing this, i said “people” cause i didn’t want to generalize. i apologize for making it seem like i did, it wasnt my intention🥺. however i’m not making things up, heres also ppl dragging him for the lines distribution
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