I’m sorry but what harm is it causing you what people do behind close doors? I understand there’s a set of expectation on people depending on their roles in society, but again - what harm is it causing you? And you came with so little evidence.. that shows an actual issue. https://twitter.com/atharitanjiro/status/1297763683242713089
I’m not seeing this thread as a genuine advice. If the action is hidden, the advice should be private. Dm these brothers, advice them privately. Don’t seek out people’s sins. Trust, if people were to dig into what you do online - it wouldn’t be clean.
Unless the person is actually doing things that would harm the society and it’s apparent, then the advice should remain private. Because our deen is naseeha.
But you coming with empty screenshots, that literally proofs nothing - it makes me question your intent. Fear Allāh!
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