Reasons why you should hire me for freelance social media or writing work: a thread.

If you're interested in hiring me, you can:

- Drop me a DM
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1. I get results. In my last role I racked up 69,000 Instagram likes in a year, over 70,000 TikTok views in less than 6 months and over 2.3 million gif views.
2. I'll send you photos of my cat. His name's Louie and he's adorable.
3. I make my own content, from photographs and videos to gifs and articles. These can be adapted to various different styles; for instance, videos can be filmed in portrait for use on Instagram or TikTok, and gifs can be made for Twitter or for Instagram Stories.
4. I'm not three kids in a trenchcoat pretending to be an adult. Honest.
5. I'm experienced in social media training. I've delivered regular sessions to small businesses, academics, and more. These are incredibly adaptable to a range of different people.

6. I really need a haircut. By hiring me (and then paying me), you would help me get said haircut.
7. I'm skilled with a range of software and programs including Photoshop, Premiere Pro, Wordpress, Wix, Google Analytics and (of course) Microsoft Office. I make a mean Excel spreadsheet.
8. My favourite Drag Race contestant is Monique Heart so you know I have good taste.
9. I'm confident with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram (including Stories, Reels and IGTV), LinkedIn, Pinterest, TikTok, Byte, Snapchat, Youtube, and even more atypical marketing methods like using Spotify.

An example TikTok video I made:
10. I'd like to buy a Roomba. For that, I need money.
11. I'm willing to learn. In the last few months I've developed my skills using Wix, tried different writing styles and worked on my graphic design. Right now I'm revisiting making music, and I'm hoping it'll add an extra dimension to my work.

My site: 
12. I'm very good at Mario Kart, if that's your thing.
13. I genuinely love social media. It's a powerful method of helping people make connections and improving the way we learn and communicate. I want to help others make the most of that.
14. I don't clap when the plane lands. Who even does that? Terrible people, that's who.
15. In November 2019 I hired 11 students to work for me in my first ever manager role. In March 2020 I won a Manager of the Year award and they placed runner-up in an Employability Award.
16. I'm pretty alright at baking and cooking. Here's some homemade scotch eggs. I might even bake for you and your team.
17. I'm good at reporting on your company's social media success. Not only can I make it visual and easy to understand for senior managers, I can advise on what to do and what not to do.
18. I just constructed this Harley Quinn Kinder Egg toy all by myself. That's a valid reason, right? No? Okay, moving on.
19. Accessibility is a big factor in my work. I can add subtitles to videos, add alt text to images, avoid accessibility pitfalls and write in an engaging and understandable style.

An example of my video work: 
20. According to my primary school teachers, I was "a pleasure to be around"

I don't have any primary school photos of me so here's a gif of a child facing the harsh realities of this planet
21. I won't lead you in the wrong direction. I won't tell you to "make memes" or "do something controversial for attention". I believe in getting results by staying true to yourself.
22. Some of these aren't valid points, you say?
23. I want to understand social media better and use that to help others. As part of my writing work, I talk about topics including how to communicate with people and social media abuse.

An example:
24. I'm good at yoga. Especially the pose where you lay down and close your eyes.
25. As someone who lives with anxiety and depression, mental health and wellbeing is something I like to discuss. I support social media managers, who often face mental health issues and poor treatment in the workplace.

An article I wrote about this:
26. I'm currently listening to Steps. My immaculate taste is practically jumping out of the screen.
27. Innovation is a big focus of mine. I'm always looking at where social media is going and how I can adapt (such as using TikTok). I also want to think out of the box and try different art styles, writing styles, etc.
28. Did I mention my cat? He's super cute.
29. My customer service skills over social media are incredibly strong. I'm friendly, to-the-point and supportive. Social media is a two way street, and you should support your audience where possible.
30. I caught all 251 Pokémon in Pokémon Gold so you know I'm a hard worker.
31. My writing work tends to cover social media, higher education, queer culture and video games. However, this is adaptable for a range of topics.

Check out my blog: 
32. I put over 400 hours into completing all four paths in Fire Emblem: Three Houses, so you know I'm committed to my work.
33. I've delivered numerous talks about social media, including speaking to school children about getting a job in social media. I feel comfortable publicly speaking about my work and life.
34. My gif game is A+
35. I write recommendations reports to help businesses improve their social media presence and create targeted posts. These can range from simply monitoring your accounts as a visitor to exploring your analytics and audience.
36. I can warp to previously visited locations like in video games. Is this a lie? You'll have to find out for yourself.
37. I've worked in high pressure situations. I've helped manage comms for companies during difficult situations such as Covid and terrorist attacks. It's all about keeping calm and knowing what you do is helping people.
38. I make a mean Blue Lagoon.
39. I've got a solid knowledge of the latest social media platforms and features. I recently ran a training session covering how to use TikTok and Instagram Reels, as well as the pros and cons for businesses.

Check it out:  4
40. I can do a solidly okay impression of Nicole Paige Brooks From Atlanta, Georgia
41. Social media should be fun, and that's how I like to work. I'm good at coming up with interesting and innovative ideas, from photo competitions to games.
42. When I was a kid, I used to run from my problems. Nowadays I just run - I've received these medals for doing charity 5k's and more.
43. It's important that I empower others to use social media for good. Whether it's as part of a training session or when managing social media accounts, I help others use social media to their best potential.
44. I might not be able to swim, but I can help keep your business afloat.
45. My photography focuses on landscapes and beautiful locations. For restaurants, bars, hotels, etc, visuals are a huge part of their appearance. I know how to use social media to draw out these vital qualities.
46. This one's not as much of a jokey one, but to push my career forward I need to invest in equipment and software. I can barely afford living costs right now. I'm hoping to get more money to cover the essentials and save some towards new equipment.
47. In my last job I increased the number of likes on our Instagram posts by 700%, alongside doubling the following. Instagram is my favourite channel to use and I know how to generate engagement.
48. I know the whole Monorail song from The Simpsons. That's true talent.
49. I've worked with charities, higher education providers and supporters, local businesses, volunteering organisations, restaurants and more. I don't take a "one size fits all" approach; I look at how each business should use social media to fit its own needs.
50. I've seen the "You Could Stop At Five Or Six Stores" video at least 60 times.
51. In my last job I made stickers for use on Instagram Stories and Snapchat. These are a neat little way to increase awareness of your business! The EHUgrad one has been viewed over 441,000 times.
52. I was the first person in my town to buy a Nintendo DS, so you know I'm on top of trends and ahead of the game.
You can follow @alexlduffy.
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