wanna know what is a good sabotage plan? stop buying all the merch and start to only buy music! show bh what this fandom's priority is, that their focus should be on the songs.
bh believes that they can sell us whatever with "bts" written on it and we will buy. prove them wrong! show them that we can think and that we want the music, not just their faces.
they are milking bts and doing wtv they can to profit off of it and WE ARE LETTING THEM. bh should know bts are a group of artists. they make MUSIC. so hit the company where it hurts, show them they cant make money off of merch and that they should prioritize music.
sabotaging the music but still buying merch when it comes out only proves that bh can do as it pleases because there are other ways to get money from the fandom. dont fall into their trap, be smarter.
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