Hi @ShamezLadhani. Just wondering if you could point me to the study which concludes that teachers aren’t socially distancing outside school and transmitting the virus to pupils? The one in today’s Times?
Here’s the study:
In 7/30 outbreaks, indeed the direction of transmission was staff to students.

However, your comment in The Times accuses teachers of not socially distancing outside school, therefore catching and spreading the virus to pupils.

Unless your research involved following teachers around for weeks (which it didn’t) you cannot blame teacher irresponsibility outside school for catching it. Teachers have been perhaps more law abiding than most throughout this ordeal.

Sadly, it’s because of government scientists like yourself that even perfectly reasonable people now deem it fit to express their opinions/disagree with scientists despite not being qualified to do so.

If your study can prove that a significant number of teachers were skirting social distancing guidelines and therefore catching and spreading the virus, I’ll listen to it.

But as it stands this is politically influenced hoopla.

It’s worth nothing that I have a BSc in Pharmacology and so am fit to comment.

Your opinions in the article are the product of a leap of faith, not of science.

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