white people are not and have never been discriminated against for being WHITE.
please don’t read this thread if any of the things mentioned above trigger u
if one white person can understand this then so can every other white person so hear me out
i’ll say it like it is, so sorry not sorry for being so blunt but some people are fr so damn dense and stupid, it’s annoying. i’m talking about the people who u can thoroughly explain something to, make it make PERFECT sense, and yet they still act like a +
stupid little baby and continue to whine and whine.
whenever a POC vents, saying something along the lines of ”white people are annoying” or something along those lines, EVERY SINGLE TIME i see an entire fucking array of CRACKERS commenting shit like “i’m white and i’m not like that :/“ or +
“omg!1!1! shut up!1!1!1 you racist!1!1! it’s just a skin color!1!1”

when a POC says something like that, they’re not saying it cuz they actually hate white ppl for their skin color... they’re saying it to vent their aggression towards their OPPRESSORS.
ppl of different races (i.e asian people, black people, etc etc) /EVEN MIXED PEOPLE/ are and HAVE been discriminated against for their race.
they’ve been murdered, enslaved put into camps BECAUSE of their race.

....white ppl? not so much.
people can be discriminated against for their sexuality and gender identity, and yeah, maybe they ALSO happen to be white, but no one is looking at them and saying “ew i don’t want this freak to work for me bcuz they’re white!1!1!1!”
or “i’m going to slaughter ur entire family BCUZ YOU’RE WHITE!1!1!1!”. hence: read exactly what the state of this whole fucking thread says and let it sink in, especially if ur white, cuz it’s the damn truth and u need to accept that
+ and stop acting like your ENTIRE race is going to be hurt and affected from a few people of color venting their frustration with what they and their entire race has gone through because of u, ur race
we live in a VERY assimilated society which means that we WANT people to look and act like the majority, which is super fucked up and i think i’ll talk about that in a different thread cause this thread is longer than i expected it to be
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