tw suicide , mental health (positive) /

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you're loved. by your friends, by your family, by your teachers, by your pets, by your neighbors, by someone you don't even know, by your significant other, by ME. *I* love you. you are so loved.
it gets better. i promise with my entire heart, it gets better. you won't feel this way forever. healing isn't linear, and it takes time. but it *always* gets better. there is always hope. please keep trying. please keep going. it's okay not to be okay.
think about that artist who's going to release something soon. how many friends you haven't met yet. how many people you haven't fallen in love with. how many jokes you haven't laughed at. how many places you haven't been to. how many cats you haven't pet yet.
how many days until that cool thing you have planned. how many days until your birthday. how many sunsets you haven't seen. how many positive emotions you haven't experienced. how many snow days you haven't experienced.
there is no reason to keep going that is 'too small.' keep going for the plant you've watered everyday, or the random cat you see outside your window that you don't know the name of. no reason is 'too stupid.'
you can ask for help. i know it's scary, and i know it can be even scarier when you don't even know exactly what you're going through. but asking for help doesn't make you weak. no problem is 'too dumb to be a problem' or 'isn't as serious as ___.'
if you are struggling, please ask for help. please reach out. please look up places near you that could help, ask your friends, ask your neighbor, call a hotline, your teacher. keep asking. don't suffer silently. please reach out.
*i am aware that most parents don't support their kids mental health, and if yours don't, please don't give up on asking for help. keep trying and asking other people, whether they know about it or not. please keep pushing and finding ways to get help.
i'm not a licensed therapist, but i'm begging you, if you feel like you really can't do it, DM me, text a friend, tell SOMEONE. i will listen to you for hours whether you're a stranger or my best friend. your life is so precious.
i promise, it gets better. you will be happy again. you will feel okay again. it doesn't make you weak to ask for help. please keep fighting. please, don't ever give up. i will listen to you for hours.
i'm sorry if this is littered with typos. it's late at night and i'm writing this thread sort of in a haze- but i want everyone to know it gets better. i hope i got my message across.
i love you so much, and so many other people love you as well.
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