What does #gender have to do with the economy? 

If the #economy is a system of making and trading things of value, into goods and services, who gets to decide what has value? /1
#Gender is the socially constructed system of how we assign different roles, activities, and opportunities to girls and boys, and women and men. It operates on a binary (one cannot be the other). /2
#Patriarchy is the social system that ascribes power and privilege to men and therefore values their roles, activities, and opportunities above others. /3
Women’s labour is so often under paid and even invisible because of how it is ascribed less value. 

#COVID19 has shone a bright light on gender imbalances in the work and services needed to keep societies and economies running during the pandemic. /4
#Women and #girls are often responsible for the work of raising and bearing children, caring for the eldery, producing, purchasing, and preparing meals, cleaning and other ‘domestic duties. This is often less paid or not even seen as ‘work’. /5
Our current economic model is based on the lives of men. Furthermore, it is based increasingly on the lives of fewer and fewer men who are collecting more and more wealth and power /6
“The pursuit of growth is currently based on massive extraction & exploitation of natural resources that keeps destroying people&planet while concentrating wealth in the hands of global elites." @AWID /7
This is why it starts with respect. This is why we need to fix the #fashion industry. /9
So we can have an economy that is based on principles of cooperation & kindness, equity in all dimensions (race, ethnicity, nationality, class, gender, ability, etc)participatory democracy, sustainability & pluralism. /10
The new #solidarityeconomy redistributes wealth and resources more fairly, and puts the respect of people and planet at its core. 11/End
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