It's not so much a silent majority as much as it's a silenced majority.
We have been conditioned and trained to remain silent about self evident truths, and obvious facts.

We have been bullied into submission.

"If you like you're job you can't say that".

"Sure, wear that red hat, and we'll knock it off your head with a baseball bat".
If anyone dares to break through this conditioning and speak out, he is systematically disregarded, mocked, terminated, besmirched, and attacked without mercy.
We have been shown that there are multiple standards of justice in America, one of these standards insures that the connected and the insiders are free to do as they please so long as they walk the line, and another standard is reserved for those who threaten that status quo.
We have been taught that the smart move is to simply go with the flow... don't make waves, just go on with your lives as if your country, your prosperity, your opportunity, and your God given rights aren't being methodically stripped away..
They pummel us with mindless propaganda that they call "news", they censor our voices, they poison the minds of our children against us and they call it "education".
If you want to keep the love and goodwill of your children, your bosses, your friends, and your relatives, you better get with the program tiger, because if you don't bend over, we're going to do it for you and you really don't want that...
This all works against us because collectively we bend, and we do so willingly.

The sad part is, we hold the winning cards.

These people have no power over us if we stand against them. Their power is rooted in our belief of their power mad manifest by our submission.
This shit will end when we stop bending over every time they snap their fingers, and they know it.

Their power is our compliance.

It's time that we started knowing this as well.
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