If you email, email your own thoughts and feelings, don’t use a template and trending hashtags will do nothing except get the media to focus on that rather than everything else. We are all upset and if you have time to trend a hashtag, you have time to email your own feelings
We all have something to say about this. Don’t let someone else say your words for you in an email template. If you feel a type of way about something then you should be able to articulate those feelings. They have translators for whatever language you are comfortable writing in
For me, I don’t ever kick up a fuss about line distribution. I am not happy they left out his part but I also trust the boys with their music. I made this post not because I am trying to push my own desires onto their music but just as a suggestion for a response. I think
ultimately I am just going to enjoy what they put out and we have the OG, acoustic and instrumental to enjoy. I’m disappointed, yes, but I will enjoy the other songs and again I reiterate, this is a post of suggestion for people who are wanting to do something.
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