How does throwing bricks at officers and destroying a city do anything for progress? We don’t know all the details, but shooting someone 7 times at very close range seems unnecessary.What rioters are doing is taking the focus away from issue at hand and making it about themselves
People have serious issues if their anger drives them to cause harm to people doing their jobs and destroy things that aren’t theirs. This goes for any event that causes harm and destruction.
And this whole abolish the olive position is absolutely ridiculous. There are bad cops and racist cops, just like there are with every profession, it would be nice if that is discovered before they work, but sometimes it is impossible to 100% vet.
People who want to abolish the police are criminals, and who have some idea of an impossible utopian society that they dreamt up. People who call for abolishing police and prison lose all credibility even though they may have important things to say
And yes, even if protests are 100% peaceful, there are going to be people who don’t like it and talk bad about it. Is that a bad thing though? Would it be a protest if everyone agreed with it? Protests, if done right, create positive discussions that actually can create change
Violence and riots lead to discussions about if violence and riots are acceptable forms or protest which completes ignores the reason why people are protesting to begin with.
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