So I just had possibly the best call from a member of the public I've had a thread. So as you know we are dealing with the big blob of mess named Marco and there have been some questions about where the center is tonight with the big blob moving right at us...
From the start the man says he read the NHC discussion (literally released minutes before) and saw the satellite and I knew I was talking to someone who is a little more weather savy. I love these convos when someone calls to learn and understand! That's our job is to educate.
After a few minutes discussing Marco he proceeds to ask who the forecaster who signs the discussions BB. Not knowing where this is going I respond this is the forecaster who signs BB. What happened next honestly blew me away.
He proceeded to say he use to work for a major newspaper and wanted to take the time to say how much he enjoys my discussions and how human my discussions feel. He proceeded to say while they are educational they break things down to a level he can understand...
Im not gonna lie I think I choked up for a second. We are all meteorologists because we love weather and we strive for other people to enjoy that passion. Hearing someone who has no idea who I am enjoy learning the weather because of what I do....
I pour my heart into my discussion and speak my mind and many times I think that nobody reads them. Well im here to tell young mets and current mets the work you do is seen. Even through the annoying people there are great people out there who enjoy your work.
Sorry I just had to share this as I know many of us get frustrated in this field by the worst of people. Our jobs are important and people do listen and read. Remember that as I know I will and even little things of support and recognition in these times can go along way!
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