True Queens of each decade
Katy or Gaga could replace Ariana, but I still think Ariana defined the late 2010s
Everybody complaining about Ariana needs to know that she had the most top 10 hits of 2014 and has been a mane girl since DW and THE girl since sweetener. And Madonna didn’t even get popular until 1984 but she 100% ruled that decade. Riri ruled beginning/ middle ari ruled late
These are the woman of the 2010s
Rihanna dominates 2010-2017
Ariana got super popular in 2016-2017 and started dominating 2018-present

This is my thought process for putting RiRi and Ariana
Muted this, argue amongst your selves
This is more than just music, there influence on fashion, and just life in general is far greater than anybody else. They are the true Queens in every aspect of these decades
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