I just want to put this out there: you can’t know something is wrong if no one ever taught you that it’s wrong.

Let me give an example to explain what I mean. Say you’ve never seen or heard of an egg before in your life, and then one day, someone +
gives you a hard boiled egg. You ask what it is, and they tell you it’s an egg, and they show you how to eat it. This is the first egg you’ve ever encountered in your life. You have no knowledge of them beyond what your friend showed you.

Now some days later, +
you encounter an egg again. You think oh wow and egg I love eggs and you want to eat it. You go to crack it open like you did with the egg your friend gave you, and the insides spill everywhere, making a mess on you and the floor.

Now everyone is mad at you because +
you made a mess. To us, we inherently know that eggs are not naturally hard boiled, so it’s common sense for us to not just immediately crack one open, but your only exposure to eggs before had been a hard boiled egg, and the friend that showed it to you +
didn’t tell you oh by the way eggs aren’t naturally like this so don’t go cracking them open, they just said it was an egg. How were you to know better? It’s not common sense to you, common sense is learned. Someone has to at some point teach you that common sense. +
So the point is, if no one ever once told you that something was wrong, how could you possibly know it’s wrong? It’s not common sense to know it’s wrong because common sense is LEARNED, therefore, someone has to teach it’s wrong in the first place. +
That’s why I choose to try to educate people, because as someone who came from an ignorant and closeminded upbringing, there was a lot I once had to be taught was wrong because nobody had ever taken the time to teach me that it was wrong in the first place. +
What is now common sense to me was once something I had no clue existed. You can’t know an egg is naturally raw if you’d ever only been shown a hard boiled egg.
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