i cant even front these lazy eye jokes realllyyyy do be bothering me and tbh i do cry about it like a lot because it’s so hard to accept and the fact no one can just be nice about it ls like the most annoying part... you don’t think i see myself everyday????? i do
i’m so tired of it IMAGINE you have something about you that you can’t change and for your WHOLE life you get made fun of for it... like imagine y’all don’t even know what it’s like 20 years dealing with this and always being looked at different is hard
plus the literal limitations it puts on to my daily life like nothing’s easy i just don’t talk about it often. next time you wanna make a joke just don’t. i’ve heard it all anyway it’s Exhausting the jokes the stigma the constant having to explain it to everyone
or the hey i’m like not starring at you it’s just my eye or having people ask where am i looking? or not being able to make eye contact like literally so fed up i can’t even post anything without anyone making some comment about my eye or eye joke even better when i have a
twitter argument people just always come after my eye and it’s like pick a better fucking joke anyways i’m done if you don’t like my eye fuck off like i’m born like this like it’s a nerve problem i had 9 surgeries had one last august too nothing changed my eye just got worse
let me just live you don’t have to be my friend i just wanna exist without being made fun of
and my “friends” that make fun of it behind my back or don’t stand up for me when people make fun of me.....like ur pathetic
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