“if u dislike entrapta it’s because you dislike/ don’t understand autistic people” .... or maybe it’s bc i don’t think she’s written that well, and i don’t want to keep seeing autistic characters w/ basically little to no moral compass *specifically because they’re autistic*
also — & maybe this is my autism impacting my pov on this, ironically— i get why a lot of people lhated the scene where she was put on a leash; but in context... she had no sense of self preservation + was actively endangering everyone in vicinity, so. it made sense
!!! and i get — in the wider context of how she was treated by the princesses at times (like a child/like a pet) — why it won’t sit right with people but again… she literally could’ve gotten herself/everyone killed, but also didn’t understand why she couldn’t just run off +
so what were they supposed to do? judt let her die or get them killed? like… i just don’t really understand why people see it as THE WORST THING that could possibly be done when it was done for her safety, and theirs....,,, and that’s my she-ra rant DONE
okay i LIED, i’m not done because I really love(d) the show up until the point <3 where the ending was completely spoiled for <3 and overall i felt that there was a massive pressure to love Entrapa because she was ~ amazing autistic rep ~… when for me she just. wasn’t. +
and expecting me to believe that she sided with the Horde ONLY bc they let her freely engage with her special interest + nothing else that happened (like believing her friends had abandoned her, being hurt, confused and unable to navigate those difficult emotions) had anything +
to do with it; that she had zero moral compass and did not care about the fact that the people she was creating these machines and doing research for were going to murder her friends... bc she was autistic... AND that *that* was good, accurate rep????? like,??
like. autism is incredibly diverse and varied spectrum wise, but i feel that telling me that someone helping ppl to commit mass murder bc those people let them engage w/ their special interest and “respect” them etc is good autistic rep is kind of pushing at the limits of +
autism as i understand (and personally experience it) and straying into somewhere very different. bc there’s a difference between acknowledging how clearly Entrapa struggles to understand other peoples emotions + the complexity od humanity *in humans* bc she’s autistic +
and then going, well she’s a war criminal now! and that’s because of the autism! and that’s good autistic representation and if you as an autistic person don’t like it then ur ABLEIST
*complexity of ;; it is 4am and i. am going to make cereal and go to sleep soon but omg it felt good to get this off my chest
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