Fucks Sake Kenosha.

Complete fucking failure by those officers. The man was not following orders but the moment you let him get in the vehicle things escalated due to the threat of a weapon being in there.

You mean to tell me 3 officers couldn't stop that dude before that?
I support my local police but holy shit. You mean you couldn't of tazed the guy? Unless there was knowledge of a gun being in the car I just can't understand 7 shots to the back.

He has a chance of surviving & based on current information I certainly hope he does. Jesus...
Obviously there will be more information to come out & I think it's important to wait on that. Maybe they KNEW he had a weapon in there... I don't know. Looks bad
Update they did "try" to taze him. I don't know what exactly that means, like he ignored it or their equipment failed.
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