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Dominion voting services tabulators, I'd have to rewind, looked like a precinct, Dominion owns Sequoia which was previously owned by Smartmatic/Soros peeps
Vote rigging misc read
Case study is to highlight some of the deficiencies of
optical scanning tabulators and make recommendations to help improve their use in the election process
Written Testimony of Mr. John Poulos, CEO
Dominion Voting System
before the Committee on House Administration
“2020 Election Security-Perspectives from Voting System Vendors and Experts”
January 9, 2020
Dominion voting systems are planned for use in the USA 2020 elections. Possibly it's good to go?
New Brunswick, in its first attempt with Dominion devices in a provincial election in 2014, choked. Elections New Brunswick had to stop counting for hours, figure out what was going on, and **re-enter** some results.
2010: Obama admin: Sequoia and Premier Voting owned by a "Canadian" company called Dominion . They bought Premier, which used to be called Diebold, from ES&S and was forced to sell Premier in 2010 for anti-trust reasons. Perhaps a clever illusion to disconnect from Soros.
On the obvious record, it is confirmed there is no connection to Smartmatic Corp/Soros.
Based on testimony "We conduct continuous vulnerability scanning on our company network & utilize third-party services for threat hunting and breach detection." looks good but what have we learned from ShadowNet? How much security is in-house, how much contracted. 'third-party'
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