1/ I haven't done this for a while so here's a long ol' thread about my politics - or the stuff I remember right meow.

I *personally* am

* in favour of the abolition of private property
2/ * against coercive hierarchies (with exceptions - such as in healthcare - but not such as policing)
* against "designated leaders" when it comes to governance: such leaders are unnecessary, organisers are all that is required for the functioning of society or communities,…
3/ …and, in crises, "leaders" will tend to naturally emerge from the pool of organisers without need for designation
4/ * in favour of complete abolition of policing as it stands today - which is principally a method of defending property - and replacing it with "a full spectrum approach to social services"
* in favour of abolition of both the "crime and punishment" approach, and…
5/ …"restitutional justice", in favour of educational/psychological/social methodology that focuses both on reducing recidivism, AND enacts a "public health" preventative approach to criminality, therefore reducing total social harm
6/ * in favour of social projects that foster trust & communication inside communities, led by members of those communities, built around the interests common to those communities
* in favour of complete reform of the wage system, which is quite plainly utterly irrational
7/ * in favour of democratisation of the workplace - every workplace: no unnecessary coercive hierarchies at all
* in favour of full division of church & state, and religious freedom within the boundaries of societal acceptance: IE religions can't say "thou shalt murder" (or…
8/ …any other harmful act) and expect a free pass, but should otherwise be free to practice without prejudice or interference
9/ * in favour of abolition of the monarchy, although amenable to a truly ceremonial monarchy whereby the Sovereign and all Royals receive no state support beyond necessary security, and have no powers at all
10/ * in favour of wholesale reform of the executive branch: no leaders, only organisers
* in favour of federalisation of Britain: devolution should go further, and federalisation may be the only way to save the union
* in favour of a UK-wide citizens congress to prepare the…
11/ …nation for the remainder of the 21st century by asking and answering key questions about why Britain is, what it is to be British, what Britain is, what we want Britain to be, whether we want Britain to be, and how we want to make happen whatever we decide we want to make…
12/ …happen * in favour of wholesale reform of how we govern the UK
* generally anti-war; deescalation is almost always possible, although I acknowledge the word "almost" bears a great deal of weight, and "defence of the vulnerable"
is plainly necessary from time to time
13/ * in favour of unilateral nuclear disarmament
* anti-slavery
* anti-hatred
14/ * in favour of widespread adaptations of building regulations to ensure that future generations of humans with impairments and disabilities do not struggle to live in our society, though with as little concrete as possible
15/ * surprisingly in favour of slapping pretty much anyone who thinks the preceding is unnecessary or unworthy given that whole anti-hatred bit, but we all have flaws
16/ * in favour of wholesale educational reform and either scrapping of or complete redesign of the "National Curriculum"
* in favour of ensuring universities are places of learning, debate, and understanding - and that students are students, not "customers"
17/ * in favour of not merely listening to lecturers and technical staff on how to achieve those goals, but actually letting them lead on reforms
* in favour of ending worker precarity: it, too, is a form of coercive hierarchy
18/ * in favour of full legalisation of drugs to end the market for black market sales entirely, which would significantly starve some criminal elements of resources
19/ * in favour of the creation of pathways to places of safety for refugees, including the UK, as well as full freedom to work in the UK for refugees
20/ * in favour of negotiation of freedom of movement treaties with states unlikely to represent a material threat to the UK (such as the EU, post-Brexit conclusion)
21/ * in favour of applying pressure on foreign states to ensure they reduce coercive hierarchies, via socialist, instead of capitalist (IE not quid pro quo), "international development" schemes
* in favour of completely banning political parties
22/ * in favour of listening to other people on absolutely all of the above and everything else, and shifting my position where necessary to ensure that vulnerable people are best served first, and that as few people lose as possible
23/ In favour of committing whatever resources are necessary to fighting climate change, including economic degrowth if ultimately necessary. And commitment of resources especially to things like energy recapture and recycling technologies. (I accidentally cut this one out.)
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