My brother rating fine line- a thread
Golden- 10/10 “mwah mwah”
Ws- 7/10 “because he has helpers helping him” I have no clue what he’s talking about
Adore you- 10/10 “ beautiful” (it’s his favorite)
Lights up- 7/10 “cool”
Cherry- 10/10 “Where he says cherry”
Falling- 7.4/10 “it’s not happy, sad or dramatic” I have no clue what song he was listening to
Tbsl- 10/10 “it was so like eeee” “ and it was a part 2 to falling”
She- 10.5/10 now his 3rd favorite
Sunflower vol.6- 8/10 “it’s cool aid”
Canyon moon 5.3/10 “it’s happy sad happy sad happy”
Tpwk- 8/10 “it’s cool, happy, and beautiful”
Fine line- 9/10 “it’s so sad and beautiful”
End of thread
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