who is John Locke and why should anyone care; An ✨educational✨ thread
now you're probably looking at this like "john who??? why does this thread exist??" but just go along with it, it's #enlightening (haha wow im hilarious)(you can't even tell i was forced to do this🤩)
anyways,, mr. Locke here was a british enlightenment thinker who had ~Beliefs~, the beliefs he was mostly known for (and by that i mean the only ones i will be talking about) was the one about Social Contracts and the one about Natural Rights
first we got the Natural rights, which later became the Unalienable rights
1. life (everyone should live)
2. liberty (everyone should liberty)
3. property (everyone should property)

now, u may be thinking "wasn't the 3rd one something else?" but no, that is the changed version+
that was in the declaration of independence, which replaced property w/ pursuit of happness. the og Locke ver. of the rights had property as the 3rd. he believed that these were rights that every person should have and that the Gov. should protect those rights.
another belief this dude had was that of the
/Social Contract/, which basically said that ppl should ®️espect the government, and that the Gov. should ®️espect the people.
this means basically if a person is bad then the gov. can say "no♥️" and throw them in ⛓️Jail⛓️, and if the gov is bad then the people can say "no♥️" and ✨0verthrow the g0vernment✨, another name this idea is called is "consent of the governed" becuz kool kidz ask for consent😎
mr. john was in favor of constitutional monarchies, which basically means that he didn't vibe with the idea of a monarch having ♾Unlimited Power♾ and preferred if there were laws to make sure their power was 🙅limited🙅
which leads me to believe that he was vibin pretty hard in 1689 when the English Bill of Rights was passed, cuz that strengthened the power of the people + their reps. in the Parliament
wut does this have to do w/ modern times? simple. this dude's ideas influenced the dudes who wrote the dec. of independence which is kinda historical ig cuz now we technically have the right to abolish the gov if its corrupt or something like that idk i dont rlly vibe w/ politics
it's late and im tired of writing so let me leave this off here w/ a little fact. in 1690 John Locke wrote a 🅱️ook called "two treatises of government"
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