I want to say three things about Hongjoong's bra*ds, as a black Atiny.
1) Do. Not. Speak. For. Us.
I understand that you are trying to bring attention to this and I respect that. But if you are not black in any way, do not speak on the issue. It makes me frustrated that others are speaking for me and the other black Atinys. +
+ 2) I have no issue with it at all. That might not be the same for others, but don't go saying that it is a big problem if it isn't your place to speak. Many of us don't have an issue and some do. Let. Them. Speak. For. Themselves. +
+3) It's. Not. Hongjoong's. Fault. He doesn't get to make the decisions when it comes to styling. Everyone who is going and blaming him needs to stop. He is a kind man and he would be very disappointed to see what fake Atiny's are saying +
+As idols they can't distinguish between fake and real fans. And if they see the things some of you are saying, they think all of their fans are like that. So it's not just you being affected, or the idol themself. It's the other actual caring fans too.+
+Please know your time and place and don't say anything if it isn't you place. Be mindful of what you say. Words. Hurt. That's all I was trying to get at, thank you <3
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