I walked 200 doors for @Dougbeck562 and @pretto_jean today for 6 hours in South County. I saw many friends volunteering too. I saw some voters who recognized me from my candidate days.

And I made new friends today: Stella, a dog, and Barb, who is voting for President Trump.

Stella is a lovely dog who likes to make friends with visitors so she can bolt right past them and have herself an adventure. Her human, Barb, warned me about it early on, so I got Stella on her leash and I spent 40 minutes in her yard, mostly talking to Barb.

Barb voted for President Trump in 2016 because she believes none of the parties represent her. She wants term limits in Congress, she wants both parties to acknowledge when the other has done something right, and she wants less crime.

She had relatives serving in roles with the Democratic Party in St. Louis City. This was now many years ago.

When she sees someone voting Democrat in a place where they've done so for generations, she sees folks "voting against their interest."

I quote that phrase she used because of how many Democrats I've heard say the same about Republicans.

She lost her job because of the coronavirus. Her daughter, a new nurse burdened by student debt, moved back in with her. Her family doesn't have money to just stay home. She's upset with the PSAs telling her "we're all in this together" when she feels she's being left behind.

Her frustration was not new to me. It's the same I've encountered for the last several years traveling throughout Missouri. I listened to her. I talked about some of my views, but mostly I listened. I even told her that I was until recently a Democratic candidate.

And after we talked for a long while, I said, "Those folks right there who are running for office are good people. Jean was a teacher and serves on the Mehlville School Board. Doug is a union member who has fought very hard for Missourians in the legislature.

"They're my friends, and I know they'd do a good job for you."

She looked at their pamphlets and said, "Oh, that's good. That's important. OK then. That sounds good."

I wished her luck. She said she might tune into the #EladPod. She said she really likes when folks from different perspectives can talk with one another, and she really appreciated me doing that with her. Stella wished me good luck too, I think.

As I started walking away, Barb said, "I respect what you believe."

That was the first time in two years that I didn't have a piece of paper with my number on it to give to her. But still, two years later, there aren't too many Elads in Missouri, so there's always that.

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