Playing around with Unity's new visual scripting tool Bolt today and it seems like a good base so far.

Like Timeline it's a pretty raw tool without the obvious niceties you might expect and you need to add that stuff to keep it from being cumbersome to use in practice.
I'll give some examples. Adding time between events is an obvious benefit of authoring logic visually. There's one built-in Timer node which is good, but it exposes lots of stuff you might not need and isn't collapsible so a little logic gets dense fast.
Similarly there's not a shortcut for accessing a random element from a collection so out of the box you get to make this everywhere you need that functionality:
My minified versions of timer and getting a random element look like this in practice:
btw if I'm wrong about this and this functionality is hidden somewhere I'm happy to be corrected. Also want to say, not trying to dunk here- this tool seems good even if I have to add a bunch of helper functions.
Also if anyone at Unity reads this, some thoughts:
- have a dropdown menu in the flowGraph editor to open other flowGraphs w/ a foldout based on folder paths
- double clicking flowGraphs needs to open that asset in the flowGraph editor
- label, hide label (I can see the use of summary though I'd get rid of that too) fields should not exist and the editor should rehookup logic for me if I change a key's name. less things the user knows about the better
- would be helpful to toggle between complex and simple mode like substance designer to skim a graph without getting caught up in details. Here's a little mockup of that:
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