we need to speak about @wifeofbella or referred to as jess on her problematic behavior on animal crossing twitter (a thread)

I will add trigger warnings for each segment but i just want to start by letting you know this will touch on many triggering things so please be careful ❤️
tw// bullying

jess tried to bully/cancel a person who has autism, the person was mistaken about something and needed help understanding what was being talked about but rather jess kind of mocked them for it :/ (part one)
(part two) the person is explaining what happened and how jess was wrong
TW/ rape
Jess was actively friends with someone named omar who was called out for making hitler jokes, her and omar accused a minor of being a rapist without any proof traumatizing the victim
TW/ Transphobia
(part 1 of 4)
Jess made a transphobic tweet, decided to like tweets about the tweet then try to delete all the tweets about the situation and make it look like it never happened although her tweets have been deleted, the remains are left behind.
tw// transphobia (part two) someone is trying to explain to jess that what she did has hurt people
tw// transphobia (part three)

someone explaining that jess tweet was not just a joke. the odd part to me is that jess constant attacks people for making mistakes but never actually took responsibility for her own.
tw// transphobic (part four)

this one is absolutely the worst one of them all, i really am speechless.
she admitted to running a group of minors into deactivation and silence like it was a trophy or something ??
tw// death threats, doxxing, mentions of gore, rape, torture and more

jess caused a minor to receive doxxing, very scary messages, death threats, because of a simple mistake that jess caused and instead of understand after the minor apologized to them 100x she kept going
tw// very graphic, gore, rape, doxxing, torture, and more

⚠️ read at your own caution please ⚠️
now what she did to me, she used my trigger on purpose then kept saying she would apologize but then would go “i didn’t know so it’s not my fault” she tried to cancel me about false information which she since deleted. the minors she mentions are the ones she made deactivate.
tw// abuse mentioned
jess then posted about my family calling them abusive without trigger warnings or my own permission and continued to have conversations with her mutuals which sent me in a full entire panic attack.
tw// suicide
(part one)
she liked a test encouraging suicide and then didn’t take responsibility for it by blaming her triggers
tw// suicide and ted bundy
(part two)
someone explains to jess that she fucked up and should take accountability
tw// bullying

lastly, her bullying mentality where she tries to bully people if they say something she doesn’t like or make a mistake which isn’t okay in any situation
if you know anyone in the ss please keep their identity covered as they are still uncomfortable from the situation and this has caused them a lot of harm. please read through and make your own opinion on the situation thank you.
also I know there is more stuff but I only want to post things that are 100% confirmed and can be fact checked. ❤️
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