imo, a lot of women panic about their appearances because they've internalized the idea that beauty is a virtue, not a tool to find a partner.

Girl, what what is your *actual goal* here? A husband? Do you think people with acne or chubby thighs never get married?
That's probably why beauty ads always feature women floating in space. Or strutting around *being confident*.

They know they can't draw a line from what they offer to our actual goals. They have to abstract everything as much as possible.
All that said: Some people turn to the beauty industry for relief from fatphobia, agism, racism, transphobia, and sexism, which are real, crushing, and omnipresent.

But never forget that THESE are your enemies. Not your body, that's been working hard to keep you alive.
(Did I do this right? This thread thing? Anyway...)
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