I usually don’t make profanity laced threads. I just cannot get passed @msnbc capeheart and others doing that segment full of nonsense on Kamala’s LGBTQ record. It’s so difficult to watch lies and queer voter suppression happening in real time by queers. Growing up in the 60’s..
With everything so different. The pain we went through. The work we’ve put in over the many decades. Why is sit so difficult for young queer people to read a few facts? Is it internalized homophobia and transphobia? Racism? Or primary perm-a-grudge? Or just bad reporting?
So they fail to understand where we are and how we got here? Why the fuck is happening?
There was a time in the not so distant past when it would be impossible to make this type of graphic about any nominee.
Why can’t they take the win? My wins.
That I and countless other queers most of us beaten, many bloodied, and so very many dead, fought for?
Do they know that when they slam our nominees they are slamming queer activists?

How do they think straight people became awakened to our issues? Fairy dust?

It was our work. A tiny piece of it my work. We gave them this relay race wand, this gift on a silver fucking platter
And what they do? they go on TV in the most high stakes election of our 243 year fragile as fuck EXPERIMENT of democracy and depress the queer vote.
Don’t they know it’s up to them to grab the wand and move the fight for GayTransBiLesQueer liberation and equality another lap?

Don’t they know we fought for LGBTQ representation in journalism for them to have this fucking mic?
Don’t they know Mike Fucking Pence complained vehemently in the 1990’s about a gay and lesbian journalism conference?

And that the same theocratic fascist is in the executive reversing everything we did during the Clinton years?
What the fuck?

Whose side are these people on?

Truth? Or primary Perm-a-Grudge?

Truth or right wing lies?

Truth or fucking Putin laid propaganda like this from 2017?
This bullshit goes back. I saw that offensive meme and the next one I’m posting which is CW: Racism so you know the forces aligned against this ticket from the beginning.

If you don’t know it was always Joe and Kamala.

Nobody else had a viable shot to win SC/the black vote.
No one. No one ever had the black vote percentages of Joe Biden. @reesetheone1 has documented this from the start.

It’s been racism from the start.

“I want a woman but oops not the black one who calls out my white supremacy”
So, Warren, Amy, Ppl not even running, Yates...
Any damn body but the black woman literally because she has the superior record on criminal justice,immigration, foreign policy, LGBTQ, women’s rights, black maternal mortality crisis, UBI, (yes she had UBI in the Lift Act!) Rent relief act and on and on. But the 🥀 missed it
Why? I think it’s this and I’m sorry CW: RACISM

The roses and the ALT left put it right out In Front in 2017.
It’s been racism the whole time. Watermelon for a mouth. From the left.

The crucial week was the July debate. Kamala calls out Joe on his harmful words. She calls out the white straight male Vice President on the presidential debate stage standing There as a badass equal.
Everyone cheers! Yeah stick it to the old racist white man! But here in NH on phones and doors that lasts a week. The prog white folk wake up and realize shit: she called me out too!
I start hearing “I like her until she attacked Joe” “Why does she have to say “Dude gotta go”? And if you can believe it “She looks like a man”
The week before they loved her but racism plays tricks on us white people. A black woman about to assume real power and we freak out. It was down hill from there it got worse and worse until she said fuck NH and dropped us at halloween.
The racism got so deep we had to wade through it. I cried after a call with I think like the only black man in Quechee, vermont. The self loathing in his word choice go why he hated her.
So this is what we are up against. It’s not about GRS for trans women in prison convicted of murder. It’s racism. Racism. Racism. Racism.
Let it be known for the record Joe Biden took that criticism and chose her for VP.

Millions of others are not there yet.

Our trick is getting them there.

The time Mike Fucking Pence warned about gay journalists and “Gaydom”

Guess he was wrong. Our gay journalists smear LGBTQ heroes.
Andrew Sullivan in his city thinking while we were clinging to life surviving in thee south and rural places calling our relationships “underdeveloped” and “unfaithful” cuz we didn’t have the word marriage.
Sorry for the many typos -too busy ranting to edit. Also if folks want references on anything in here post the request.
PPS: my brother @soundhealthykev has let me know “I’ll be hearing from his attorney” because I failed to credit “Perm-a-Grudge™️” to him. So, follow him so he’s gets off my ass! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣
Also: Elizabeth Warren called gender reassignment surgery for inmates a “waste of taxpayer dollars” during a high profile case litigated in Massachusetts. Nobody ever calls Liz “anti trans”
Despite the fact that she has done nothing of substance for trans ppl while in power.
Also and: Bernie Sanders never even MENTIONED TRANS PEOPLE in his entire launch and interview cycle in 2019. Also, he has never done a single thing for trans liberation while yielding huge amounts of power over 35 years in the House and the Senate.
This now defunct website shows you the “progressive plan” and is part of the set up and why we have the lies to fight that we have now. I’m sure there are others. 👀 at Cori Bush and Nina and Bernie and Cornel next to Kamala and Joe. http://progressivememetics.org/stash/ 
Fight back. Push the truth. Use our memes. Made for us by @indigogeek
The facts. In another giant thread: https://twitter.com/lisatalmadge/status/1174517108471980032?s=21 https://twitter.com/lisatalmadge/status/1174517108471980032
@courtsludgey wrote this fabulous detailed account of Kamala Harris’ Progressive trans record. (Which is so long all of it can’t fit in a medium but Courtney hit the highlights!) Use this fuel to l🔥 up the liars ! https://twitter.com/courtsludgey/status/1297937559754924032?s=21 https://twitter.com/courtsludgey/status/1297937559754924032
Yes, I know I spelled Cape Heart wrong because I don’t want him blocking me. Or Kate. But I’m not opposed to you all tagging them and qt the thread since so may have asked me if they can.
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