1/ Notes from Katrina Lake ( $SFIX CEO) episode at @InvestLikeBest

First things first, I have no idea whether $SFIX will be $1 Bn or $100 Bn business 10 years from now. Nonetheless, a quick thread.
2/ Search and filter is the first version of the internet and may prove to be outdated as we move to the next version.

I'm not sure buying jeans is such a hassle in $AMZN or in other shops.
3/ So how does $SFIX work?

Leveraging data and recommendations, and with stylists, SFIX is trying to create a personalized storefront for every customer.

You pay $20 styling fee. You keep the pieces you like and return the rest. Free shipping.

Sounds neat.
4/ Having a better relationship with vendors is a competitive advantage.

I think much of the debate between stakeholder and shareholder value is based on straw man fallacy. CEOs who just focus on shareholder value inherently plays a finite game that doesn't end well for anyone
5/ $SFIX raised just $50 mn before IPO and raised another $120 mn in IPO. Very capital efficient as the company has reached market cap of $2.5 Bn now.
6/ One of Katrina's superpowers was convincing the likes of Mike Smith (Former CEO of http://Walmart.com ) and Eric Colson (Former Chief Algorithm Officer of $NFLX) to join SFIX.

Given SFIX achieved something NFLX fantasized about in a different domain, Colson was intrigued
7/ From managing an intern to having Mike and Eric reporting: what an incredible story!
8/ Why can't someone else copy their model?

It's the data. Not big data, but "small, real meaningful data"
9/ Always love people's response to this question. But this was indeed unique.

I cannot imagine a male CEO of a public company would express their vulnerability before such a momentous life event like this.
P.S. If you didn't get my reference in the first tweet, this is what I was hinting at. https://twitter.com/TurnerNovak/status/1297023704543698944
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